Hi-Point Firearms Introduced New M81 Dip Pattern Finish

Henry Ford once famously quipped that buyers could have a Model T in any color “so long as it’s black,” and, indeed, the automobile was only offered in black from 1914-1925 – and it was in place solely for efficiency and uniformity.
Fortunately, gun owners can opt for a little more color for their firearms today– even their modern “black guns.” Hi-Point Firearms, which has already offered more than the basic black, announced the availability of the new M81 Dip pattern for a large selection of Hi-Point handguns and carbine rifles.
“This M81 dip pattern has been received really well,” says Kara Boesenberg, executive vice president of MKS Supply, which markets the Hi-Point brand. “It offers a new look to our highly popular models and really has been well-received by outdoor enthusiasts and the varmint hunters.”
The M81 dip pattern is based on the U.S. Woodland, which was the default camouflage pattern of the United States military in the latter stages of the Cold War and the years that followed. It was first introduced in 1981 with the issue of the Battle Dress Uniform. The four-color high-contrast disruptive pattern was noted for irregular markings in green, brown, sand, and black. Though not officially known as M81 with the military, the pattern has become known by that name.

Hi-Point Firearms is now offering several firearms with the new M81 pattern finish:
- YC9 (MSRP $278)
- JHP Gen 2 45 (MSRP $259)
- 995TS Carbine Rifle (MSRP $436)
- 4595TS Carbine Rifle (MSRP $447)
- 1095TS Carbine Rifle (MSRP $517)
The post Hi-Point Firearms Introduced New M81 Dip Pattern Finish appeared first on The Mag Life.
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