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Colorado Voters May Decide Concealed Carry Rights For Marijuana Users

In November 2024, Colorado residents may vote on an initiative to allow marijuana users to obtain concealed carry permits. The proposal, spearheaded by the pro-gun rights group Guns for Everyone, is set for a preliminary review by Colorado’s Legislative Council Staff (LCS). Edgar Antillon, co-founder of the organization, argues for equal treatment of marijuana users, citing Colorado’s legalization of the substance over a decade ago.

Currently, Colorado’s state law aligns with federal regulations, prohibiting concealed carry permits to anyone using controlled substances, including marijuana. The proposed amendment aims to enable marijuana users to obtain these permits, similar to alcohol consumers.

The process to get the initiative on the ballot is rigorous. It involves a LCS hearing for clarity and soundness of the proposal, approval and titling by the Secretary of State’s Office, and the collection of nearly 125,000 signatures within six months. Julia Jackson, an LCS research analyst, notes the difficulty of this process, with only a fraction of proposed initiatives making it to the ballot.

Antillon is optimistic about gathering the required signatures and presenting the case to voters. He emphasizes the desire for marijuana users to have rights comparable to alcohol consumers, including the ability to purchase guns and obtain permits, while also adhering to laws against being under the influence while possessing a firearm.

Read the full article here

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