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Deadly Shooting In New Mexico Being Investigated As Possible Self-Defense

Copyright: schmidt13 / 123RF

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO — On Saturday, Albuquerque’s North Valley witnessed a fatal shooting now being probed as potentially justifiable homicide.

Shortly after midnight, Albuquerque police were alerted to gunfire near 2nd Street NW and Claremont Avenue NW, where they discovered Oscar Platas deceased with a gunshot injury. Two additional individuals with gunshot wounds were located, received treatment, and were subsequently released from the hospital.

Preliminary findings indicate the shooting may have been in self-defense, and investigations are ongoing.

About the Author

Brandon is the founder of Concealed Nation and is an avid firearm enthusiast, with a particular interest in responsible concealed carry. His EDC is a Springfield Armory Hellcat OSP, with a Shield Sights RMSC Red Dot, that holds Hornady 165 gr FTX Critical Defense rounds, and rides comfortably in a Vedder Holsters ComfortTuck IWB holster.

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