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‘Devastating’ Hunter Biden indictment is vindication of whistleblowers, says former Whitewater counsel

Hunter Biden was indicted in California on a number of tax charges after pleading not guilty to federal gun charges earlier this year. On “FOX & Friends” Friday, former Whitewater deputy counsel Sol Wisenberg argued the indictment is “devastating” for President Biden’s son and will be a “vindication” of the IRS whistleblowers.


SOL WISENBERG:This indictment, which is a devastating speaking indictment, really is a complete vindication of the whistleblowers. There’s no reason this indictment couldn’t have been brought a year ago or two years ago. Remember, the whistleblowers had to fight to get this investigation continued and ultimately lost. And if it hadn’t been for [Judge Maryellen Noreika] in that federal Delaware courtroom, that hinky plea deal would have gone down. She did her job and stopped this from happening. And it’s really, from a criminal defense perspective, from a white-collar crime perspective, I would really say the defense attorneys for Hunter Biden got too greedy in what they wanted from that plea deal. And that’s why it blew up. It was a big mistake in how they handled this case.

President Biden’s son Hunter Biden was indicted in California Thursday on a litany of tax charges, according to documents made public.  

The indictment alleges Hunter Biden’s failure to pay nearly $200,000 of income tax in the year 2019. 

Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty in October to federal gun charges in U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware after being charged out of Weiss’ years-long investigation. 

Thursday’s development comes ahead of an expected vote from House Republican leaders next week on a measure that would formally initiate an impeachment inquiry into President Biden over possible ties to his son’s business dealings. 

FOX News’ Bradford Betz, Jake Gibson and David Spunt contributed to this report.

Read the full article here

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