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Louisiana Bill to Restrict Concealed Carry Near Parades Fails in House

BATON ROUGE, LA – A controversial bill that sought to restrict concealed carry of firearms within 100 feet of parade routes in Louisiana failed to pass in the Louisiana House on Monday, May 6. House Bill 627, introduced by Representative Mandie Landry, did not garner enough support, with 58 representatives voting against it and only 38 in favor.

The bill aimed to amend existing laws to prohibit the carrying of concealed handguns in the vicinity of parades or demonstrations that had obtained a governmental permit. This proposed amendment was part of an effort to enhance public safety at large public gatherings, which often see significant crowds.

HB 627 would have infringed on the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families, especially in places where the likelihood of encountering a threat could be higher due to large gatherings. The legislation would have done little to prevent criminals, who do not adhere to gun laws, from carrying firearms.

Supporters of the bill expressed disappointment over its failure, citing concerns about public safety and the potential for violence at public events. However, with the current climate favoring gun rights, the bill faced significant hurdles.

As it stands, Louisiana residents with a concealed carry permit, which will not be required after this July due to new permitless carry laws, can legally bring their firearms to parades. The bill also proposed that the restriction include sidewalks and restaurants along parade routes, although it would not have applied to private property or police officers.

This legislative decision highlights the ongoing debate over gun control and gun rights in the United States, particularly in settings where public safety intersects with individual rights. The failure of HB 627 was a victory for Second Amendment advocates.

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