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Nude Attacker In Stanton Shot By Rideshare Driver

A rideshare driver shot a nude attacker in Stanton who was assaulting a woman, leaving the attacker in critical condition. The driver’s actions were considered a self-defense shooting and remained at the scene for questioning.

STANTON, CALIFORNIA (4-minute read) — A nude man was shot by a rideshare driver while assaulting a woman in a quiet Stanton neighborhood in Orange County on Sunday night. The incident occurred on the 7000 block of Custer Way shortly before 8 p.m.

Witnesses reported that they saw a man beating a woman through their windows. One neighbor, upon rushing outside, saw the attacker punching a rideshare driver’s car. The assailant was completely nude during the altercation.

Video footage from the scene showed an SUV with its passenger door and hatch open, marked by evidence markers nearby.

A woman, who requested anonymity, mentioned hearing the rideshare driver warning the attacker with a potential warning shot and a shout to stop. This was followed by a second gunshot.

The rideshare driver immediately called 911 to report the self-defense shooting. Authorities from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department responded quickly. The woman who was attacked received treatment for her injuries at the scene, while her assailant was transported to a local hospital in critical but stable condition.

The rideshare driver cooperated with the investigators and was released after being interviewed.

Safety Tip: Always be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. If you feel threatened, seek safety and call for help immediately.

Read the full article here

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