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Store Owner Fires Back As Thieves Robbed Her Store a Second Time in 4 Days

CHICAGO, IL – Early this morning in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood, a dramatic encounter unfolded at V’s Convenience Store located at 460 East 61st Street. Three male suspects shattered the store’s front door window around 4:35 a.m., initiating a burglary.

Vanessa Harris, the 40-year-old store owner, arrived on the scene as the suspects were taking merchandise. Confronted by one of the burglars who fired a gun at her, Harris, a licensed concealed carry holder, responded by shooting back. Fortunately, Harris was not injured, and it remains unclear if any of the suspects were hit.

Harris recounted the ordeal, saying, “I was kinda nervous, thinking like, ‘are they going to shoot again?’ But then I realized he did it as a scare shot, and they ran off at the store. I just fired back and two more ran out on foot.”

Believing she may have injured one of the robbers as they escaped in a white sedan, Harris expressed her frustration and anger. This incident marks the second burglary at her store within four days, with the previous one occurring on New Year’s Eve.

Reflecting on the frequent crimes in the area, Harris stated, “I’m losing so much being on this corner.” She has been operating her business, which sells food and coffee, in the Woodlawn neighborhood for three years. The recent events have led her to consider closing the store early for safety concerns.

The Chicago Police Department’s Area One detectives are actively investigating the incident, and no arrests have been made at this time.

Read the full article here

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