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German Ruling Class Warns Of Waning Western Support For Ukraine

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany said that the support for Ukraine from Western backers is waning. The ruler blasted Hungary for stalling European Union efforts to assist Ukraine and open accession talks.

This can all be seen as waning support for Ukraine by those Western allies that formerly backed the regime.

According to a report by RT, Scholz has suggested holding a majority vote at the European Council Summit on support for Kiev, effectively removing any state’s veto power on decision-making in the bloc. His comments come as EU leaders meet on Thursday and Friday to discuss a wide range of issues, including further financial aid to Ukraine, as well as the possible opening of accession talks with Kiev.

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Scholz’s proposed fast-tracking of Ukraine’s accession has been strongly opposed by Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria. All of those countries have threatened to block any expedited negotiations. They insist that Kiev still has a long way to go while stressing that the EU itself is not yet ready to receive a new member. Budapest has also threatened to block a €50 billion ($54 billion) EU aid package for Kiev.

The chancellor vowed to advocate for “sustainable, reliable support for Ukraine, because it is about the security of Europe,” and suggested spending €8 billion ($8.63 billion) on arms for Kiev next year, an unspecified amount on financial aid to the Ukrainian budget, and another €6 billion ($6.47 billion) on support for Ukrainian refugees.

The German opposition has branded Scholz’s proposal as “financial trickery,” with lawmakers accusing him of abusing legal loopholes to push for more aid to Ukraine. Some have promised to never consent to the bypassing of the debt-brake rule and blasted the German leader for throwing the country’s budget into chaos for the sake of aiding Kiev, which a number of politicians noted has “no chance” of winning the conflict with Russia. –RT

As war attention diverts to Israel, the mind-numbed masses will quickly forget about Ukraine.

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