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Medical Tyranny: Officials Tried To Hide The Fact That The MMR Vaccine Caused Maine’s Only Case of Measles

The obvious medical tyranny the United States is under is getting worse. Health officials in Maine attempted to hide the fact that the state’s only measles case was directly caused by getting an MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.

Documents released by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) on September 24th revealed this deception. According to the trove, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) reported a single case of measles in May of last year.

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (Maine HHS) warned on May 5, 2023, that the Maine CDC had been notified of a positive measles test, according to a report by Natural News. The state’s first measles case since 2019. The infected child was tested for measles, with mainstream media (MSM) quickly jumping on the development and running stories on the case.

Mainstream media outlets in the United States quickly went to work by blaming vaccine hesitancy, with CNN blaming low vaccination rates for “recent measles outbreaks.” Meanwhile, USA Today stressed that the best way to prevent measles is for children and babies as young as 12 months to get the MMR injection.

Almost two weeks after the testing, the Maine CDC announced on May 16, 2023, that the child didn’t have an infectious strain of measles. But the announcement failed to state that the child’s rash was vaccine-related. The Maine HHS said the child “received a dose of measles vaccines” and that officials at the Maine CDC were “considering the child to be infectious out of an abundance of caution.”

The child’s May 3, 2023 test results, which ICAN also obtained following a Freedom of Information Act request, revealed that the measles strain was “consistent with vaccine strain” – meaning the vaccine caused the child’s rash symptoms. -Natural News

According to the World Health Organization, roughly two percent of people injected with the measles vaccine develop a rash. However, the Maine CDC did not disclose this information to the public. (Related: Measles vaccines kill more children than measles… and it’s not even close.)

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg told the Defender that measles “outbreaks” are a well-worn tactic of state and federal government agencies to gin up fears about people who choose not to vaccinate or who do so selectively. “We have seen measles used this way over and over. Here, the narrative backfired and Maine officials swept under the rug the fact that the child’s measles strain was vaccine-related,” she said.

The rulers and medical tyrants have been using fear-mongering propaganda to convince the slaves to get injections for several decades now. But vaccine rates are falling and big pharma cannot be too happy about it.

“Their fear is that such information would lead to more vaccine hesitancy. However, obfuscating information in this way deprives the public of crucial information about vaccine safety and effectiveness.”

Pediatrician Dr. Liz Mumper earlier remarked that it doesn’t make sense to assume the unvaccinated are to blame. According to the Defender, media reports sometimes blame the unvaccinated for recent outbreaks, when it’s those who get the shots that are getting the disease (for which the “vaccine” is supposed to prevent.)

“Measles can be deadly if a child does not have access to safe water and medical care. In developed countries, fatalities from measles are very rare,” she said.


Read the full article here

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