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Netanyahu: Rafah Invasion Will Happen Regardless Of Hostage Deal

Israel’s ruler Benjamin Netanyahu says that regardless of whether or not a hostage deal is reached with Hamas, there will be an invasion of Rafah.   “The idea that we will stop the war before achieving all its aims is not an option,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu has repeatedly said that nothing short of the elimination of the terrorist organization Hamas will be sufficient to end the war.

Israel Doubles Down On Its Goal To Eliminate Hamas

“We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there — whether or not there is a deal — in order to achieve total victory.”

In reference to the hawkish Gvura and Tikva forums, a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office indicated that “the groups urged Netanyahu and National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi to continue the war and to resist international pressure.”

According to an Associate Press description, “Netanyahu on Tuesday was addressing the Tikva Forum, a small group of families of hostages that’s distinct from the main group representing the families of captive Israelis that has indicated it prefers to see Hamas crushed over the freedom of their loved ones.”

The ceasefire/hostage deal is only calling for a 40-day break in the fighting, and it’s still unclear if Hamas will accept.

The timing of the strong statement is interesting given it came as he met with ultra-hardline National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has vowed to quit the government if Israel doesn’t proceed with the Rafah ground offensive. Netanyahu said the words also hours ahead of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arriving in the country.

The AFP on Tuesday reported that Israel to wait until Wednesday night for a Hamas response to the Gaza truce proposal, according to unnamed Israeli officials. –ZeroHedge

According to Axios, over the weekend Israeli officials reportedly gave Hamas an ultimatum, saying the group has “one last chance” to reach a deal. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Saturday, “If there is a deal, we will suspend the operation” – in reference to the planned Rafah ground offensive.

The suspension will be temporary, as Israel has already made it clear it still intends to invade Rafah.


Read the full article here

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