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Are The “Mistakes” Of COVID Being Repeated With Bird Flu?

The mainstream media hasn’t had many bird flu updates recently. Most reports are still trying to panic people over how mild the virus is and why, but others are attempting to conflate it with COVID-19 in order to gin up the fear.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently lists the public health risk of bird flu as low and it has since the beginning of the outbreak in the United States. But there’s no guarantee that it will stay that way forever, reported Forbes. 

So far, there have been 55 confirmed H5N1 cases in humans in the U.S. The vast majority have had clear direct contact with infected animals, such as the dairy worker previously reported on in Forbes.

CDC Calls For Mass Testing Of Farm Workers After 8 More Human Cases Of Bird Flu CONFIRMED

There hasn’t been any evidence of infected humans transmitting the virus to other humans. Of course, seeing such human-to-human transmission would be a big deal and if it happens, the mainstream media would pick it up quickly and attempt to manufacture that fear they need to control the masses once more. They would begin telling the public that humans are dangerous, once again, just like they did during COVID-19.

So what are the mistakes that are being made now? Most include the inability to effectively panic the public, it seems. While the build-up has been going on for quite some time, years even, the big “event” that puts bird flu on everyone’s mind has yet to occur. But when it does, the media will tell you what it wants you to do based on edicts from the ruling class.

The mutations of this virus could also turn a mild human infection into something more disastrous. Even though this hasn’t happened yet, the media is worried that the ruling class isn’t doing enough to prevent it. Even though, they likely won’t prevent it even if they could because a “vaccine” is already stockpiled and ready for use should they decide this virus can be transmitted between humans.

Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic

Most of the media are upset that the ruling class won’t mass surveil and test the public even more than they already do to stop another plandemic. None of those would stop anything, however, and would only force more medical tyranny on everyone.

One Health Agenda Is Medical Tyranny

Read the full article here

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