Are We In Denial About Bird Flu?

Is bird flu going to mutate to better infect humans? Is it going to become the next plandemic? Have more humans been infected than the authorities are aware of? Are we in denial of what this virus can do?
All of these are questions currently being asked by the mainstream media, even though by their own reports, this virus has been mild and not transmitted person to person yet. Does that mean it won’t cross over into pandemic territory? Of course not. Especially if the ruling classes of the world think they can get away with abject tyranny again.
Time Magazine took to complaining about the messaging from mainstream media outlets, who like to make sure the ruling class’s control tactics are front and center. Every new media report of an infected dairy herd, poultry flock, or farm worker comes with the ubiquitous industry-approved mantra, “Don’t worry, the meat and the milk are safe.”
But this messaging deflects from the production methods that have enabled the virus to spread in ways yet to be fully understood, writes Time.
On November 19th, a California child with no known contact with an infected animal tested positive for avian influenza and, just seven days before that, a previously healthy teenager in British Columbia was hospitalized in critical condition with the virus. Investigators are still unsure how the patients acquired it. And with highly pathogenic avian influenza now infecting pigs, we are one step closer to the next pandemic.
Time went on to lament that pigs can foster the creation of a more virulent and transmissible human pathogen due to their ability to harbor both avian and human influenza viruses. Yet, officials continue to dismiss those voicing concerns, calling for more subdued messaging so as not to foster panic, and time and time again, the industry narrative is refuted.
Not to worry though, the official narrative will unfold when the ruling class wants it to and not a second before. It’s interesting that media outlets want the ruling class to panic the masses further. But maybe they don’t want anyone to figure out the truth as many did with the COVID-19 hoax.
Rulers Begin to Establish A “Bird Flu” Narrative
This could be the next scamdemic, or they could figure out a way to make this actually do real-world damage, unlike COVID, to manufacture consent. Either way, it’s never good for humanity when you can see a narrative being carefully crafted in front of your own face.
Read the full article here